The Little Prince - The book that everyone should read 3 times in their Life...

Book Name: The Little Prince
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

It is said that the story of the little prince should be read at least three times in a lifetime - first in childhood, then in youth and finally in adulthood.

The Little Prince - The book that everyone should read 3 times in their life

Because the appeal of this story at the age of three is threefold. This story of the little prince is like a mirror to recognize one's own mind and has been translated into more than 250 languages, making it the fourth most translated book of all time. And published in 1943, this priceless jewel of French literature and world literature has sold more than 140 million copies, making it the best seller of all time. An average of 2 million copies are sold worldwide each year.

This children's book is for adults like us, who define the characteristics of everything by numbers, just like I did myself.

A little prince lived on a small planet. He is the only human on this planet, and there are three small volcanoes, one of which has long since subsided. The pilot gave the name of the small planet as number B - 612. The name of the planet is not the same, it is made up by him. Because adults love numbers more than heart feelings. So to make them believe about the little prince  it is better to tell the name of the place where he came from with a number. Or who would believe that the prince, disdainful of a beautiful rose, threw away his planet and flew away with a flock of birds?

On the other hand, a pilot's plane broke down in the middle of the Sahara desert. The accompanying food and water will run out after a few days. If the plane is not right, there is no chance of his survival. While fixing the plane in the hot sun, one day the pilot heard the voice of a small boy! But there are no people within hundreds of miles around. To his surprise, the pilot sees a little boy standing in the middle of the desert in a royal dress, who asks him to draw a picture of a sheep.

When people are actually too surprised, logic no longer works. Faced with death, sitting in a deserted desert, the pilot drew a picture of a sheep on a piece of paper. But the prince did not like it, because the sheep had horns. The pilot could not draw very well, when he was young, his elders took away his drawing book and pen and handed him grammar and math books. So the next sheep is very old. The prince says he wants a sheep that will live for a long time. Then he drew a four-cornered box, saying the sheep was inside it. That is exactly what he wanted as a prince. The sheep should stay in the box itself, no separate house should be made for it. His planet is already very small.

This is how the little prince met the pilot. Little by little, the prince tells him about his planet, about a rose that suddenly grew and claimed to be the most beautiful rose in the world. She was so proud of her appearance that even though the prince loved her, he left her in shame. Then the planet of a king without subjects, the planet of a merchant who becomes a big man by day and night, the planet of a businessman who has never loved in his life, the planet of a drunkard who has drunk to forget the shame of drinking, the planet of a geographer to whom stones are more valuable than flowers - how many planets did he see!

One day he came to the world. In the name of Sahara's chest. There are no people around. He tells of his loneliness to the venomous snake that hides from Bali's chest. The snake tells him that he will feel lonely even among people. Meets with the fox who loves him even though he knows that he is the prince's pet.

When he was upset, the prince used to watch the sunset. His planet is so small that watching the sunrise, the sunset can be seen if the chair is moved a little. One day he saw the sunset forty two times. "Why? What happened that day?" - The prince does not answer these questions of the pilot. He tells the story, the story of the planet he left behind; Where the most beautiful rose blooms with a thorn, if the baobab seeds are not removed from the soil regularly, the planet will be completely destroyed.

Once the prince realizes that it was not right for him to leave Rose. But what is wrong with him? He didn't learn to love then ..... Now he has learned to love, Rose loved him too - he understands that too. So he decided to go back to his own planet. But how? There is no flock of birds. There is no logistics to live long on earth. On the other hand, the pilot also fell in love with him!

This story of Little Prince  is for all ages, all countries, all people. Because the story of this human heart is slowly getting used to the reality. The little prince will impress everyone with his simplicity of thought, purity of thought and mind, sense of beauty. Even the little prince has the power to change your mind.

Happy Reading.. 

-Mh Rahman 

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