Book Review: The Psychology Of Money; -By Morgan Housel

"The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel is a well-known book that explores people's complex relationship with money. It highlights the psychological aspects of financial decisions and behavior, highlighting that successfully managing money is more about behavior and mindset than technical knowledge. 
The book contains 20 short stories that illustrate different financial principles and how people think about and manage money.   
Housel emphasizes the importance of patience, understanding risk and the role of luck in financial success.

A Short & Simple Review: The Psychology of Money by (Morgan Housel)

In a world where financial advice often focuses on complex strategies and complicated investment plans, Morgan Housel's "The Psychology of Money" offers a refreshing and insightful perspective. Without delving into the technicalities of finance, Housel explores the deep psychological underpinnings of our financial decisions, making this book a must-read for anyone looking to improve their relationship with money.


 "The Psychology of Money" is structured around 20 short stories, each highlighting a different aspect of financial behavior. Housel's engaging writing style and clear, relatable examples make complex concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds. The book emphasizes that managing money successfully is more about behavior and mindset than mathematical skills or advanced financial knowledge.

Main Theme

  1. Behavior over knowledge

Morgan Housel argues that financial success is more about how you behave than what you know. This theme runs throughout the book, with stories illustrating how traits like patience, discipline, and emotional control can significantly affect one's financial well-being.

  2. The Role of Luck & Risk

One of the most compelling sections of the book discusses the role of luck and risk in financial outcomes. Housel points out that while we often attribute success to skill and hard work, luck plays a significant role, and acknowledging that can lead to more humility and better decision-making.

3. Composite Power

Housel highlights the power of compounding, not just in money, but also in habits and decisions. Small, consistent actions can lead to significant results over time, a principle that applies to both financial investing and personal growth.

  4. Different Views

The book conveys the idea that everyone has a unique perspective on money, shaped by their experiences and upbringing. Understanding these differences can lead to more empathy and better financial decisions.


The book's greatest strength is its readability. Housel's storytelling ability makes complex financial concepts easy to understand and relatable. His use of real-world examples, historical anecdotes, and personal stories bring the material to life.

Another strength is the book's focus on psychology. By addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of money, Housel offers insights that are often overlooked in traditional financial advice.   
This approach makes the book relevant not just to investors, but to anyone looking to improve their financial habits and mindset.


Although "The Psychology of Money" provides valuable insight, some readers may find it lacking in specific financial advice or actionable steps. The book is more about understanding principles and changing one's mindset than providing a step-by-step guide to financial success.


"The Psychology of Money" by (Morgan Housel) is a thought-provoking and insightful book that moves from technical financial knowledge to the behavioral and psychological aspects of money management. ts engaging story and accessible writing make it a valuable read for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of achieving financial wellness. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting your financial journey, this book offers timeless wisdom that can help you make better financial decisions.


Written by 

Mh Rahman 

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