Dream of the Red Chamber- -By Cao Zueqin (Review Article)

 Dream of the Red Chamber" also known as "The Story of the Stone", is one of the four great classical novels of China. Written by Cao Zueqin in the mid-18th century, it is a long and detailed portrait of the lives, loves and hardships of the wealthy and powerful Xia family. 

The novel is notable for its deep characterization, complex plot, and exploration of themes such as the downfall of a great family and the complexities of love and human relationships.

Dream of the Red Chamber- Review Article.

Detailed  overview:

Background and author. 


Cao Jueqin, who was born into a rich and distinguished family but experienced a decline in fortune, wrote most of the novels. Gao Yi, another author, later edited it and added it to complete the work.

Time to write: 

It was written in the mid-18th century during the Qing Dynasty.

Plot and Structure: 

Plot: The novel mainly follows the fortunes of the Xia family, focusing specifically on Xia Baoyu, a young nobleman, and his relationship with two women, Lin Daiyu and Xu Baochai. The narrative covers their lives, romance and the family's eventual downfall.


The novel consists of 120 chapters, the first 80 of which are attributed to Cao Jueqin and the remaining 40 to Gao Yi.

Dreams and Reality: 

The title reflects the interplay between dreams and reality, as well as the fleeting nature of wealth and happiness.

Main theme

Decline and Fall: A major theme is the decline of a noble family, reflecting Cao Zueqin's own experiences.

Love and Relationships: The novel explores different types of love and relationships, highlighting the complexities and conflicts that arise.

Society and Class: It provides a detailed picture of the society and culture of the period, especially the elite class.

Fate and Predestination: Themes of fate, destiny and the supernatural are woven throughout the story.


Jia Baoyu: Male protagonist, known for his sensitivity and emotional depth. He was born with a magical jade on his face.

Lin Daiyu: Baoyu's unfortunate cousin, known for her beauty, intelligence, and fragile health. He has a tragic love for Baoyu.

Xu Baochai: Another cousin of Baoyu, she is pragmatic, polite and an ideal Confucian woman, often seen as Daiyu's foil.

Grandma Zia: The matriarch of the Zia family, she plays an important role in family affairs.

Significance of literature

Style: The novel is noted for its poetic and detailed prose as well as its vivid features.

Cultural Impact: It provides deep insight into Chinese culture, traditions and family dynamics during the Qing Dynasty.

Scholarship: It has been the subject of extensive academic study and has inspired countless adaptations in various media.


TV and Film: "Dream of the Red Chamber" has been adapted into numerous TV series, films and stage productions, reflecting its enduring popularity.

Translations: There are several English translations, including notable ones by David Hawkes and Yang Hsien-ye.

What are the good things and bad things about this book?

Good thing about this book. 

1. Rich Features:

   - The characters in "Dream of the Red Chamber" are deeply developed and multifaceted. Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu, and Xu Baochai, among others, are complex and realistic, making them relatable and memorable.

2. Detailed social commentary:

- The novel provides an in-depth look at the social and family structure of the Qing dynasty. It provides insight into the culture, traditions and daily life of the period, making it a valuable historical document.

3. Poetic Language and Style:

- Cao Jueqin's prose is often described as poetic and elegant. His use of language enhances the emotional depth and beauty of the narrative.

4 Explore universal themes:

   - The novel delves into universal themes such as love, fate and the vagaries of life.

5. Complex Plot: 

- The plot of the novel is complex and layered, with numerous subplots and interwoven stories. This complexity keeps readers engaged and provides a rich reading experience.

Bad thing about this book. 

1. Length and Complexity: 

- The novel's length (120 chapters) and complex plot may be daunting for some readers. Numerous characters and subplots require careful attention, which can be challenging for those unaccustomed to such detailed descriptions.

2. Cultural and Historical Context:

- Readers unfamiliar with Chinese culture and history may find it difficult to understand some aspects of the novel. Additional research may be needed to fully appreciate social norms, family structures, and historical references.

3. Pacing:

- The pace may be slow for some readers, especially in sections that focus heavily on detail or philosophical discussion. These parts may seem like a drag for those who like fast-moving narratives.

4. Sad and melancholy tone:

- The novel's themes of decadence, loss and unfulfilled love contribute to an overall melancholic tone. It may not appeal to readers looking for a more upbeat or optimistic story.

5. Incomplete authorship:

- The novel was left incomplete by Cao Jueqin and finished by another author, Gao Yi. Some scholars and readers feel that the later chapters lack the same depth and quality as the original chapters.

Despite these potential flaws, "Dream of the Red Chamber" remains a beloved and influential work, celebrated for its literary artistry and deep exploration of the human experience.

How can you improve your personal life by reading this book?

 1. Improved cultural awareness. 

Understanding Chinese Culture.  The novel provides a deep insight into the Chinese culture, traditions and social customs of the Qing Dynasty. It can improve your appreciation and understanding of a different culture and its historical context.

Empaths focus on things proven. mental intelligence 

complex characters. Richly drawn characters and their complex relationships encourage you to empathize with a wide range of human emotions and experiences. It can improve your emotional intelligence and ability to relate to others.

3. Increase patience and focus.

length and complexity. The novel's length and complexity require patience and sustained focus to follow the complex plot and numerous characters. Reading it can increase your ability to concentrate on long, detailed tasks.

4. Better analytical skills.

Theme and Symbolism. Analyzing the novel's themes, symbolism, and character development can sharpen your analytical and critical thinking skills. The book's multi-layered narrative provides ample material for in-depth analysis and interpretation.

5. Improved literary appreciation.

Poetic language. Cao Zueqin's use of poetic and elegant language can enhance your appreciation for literary craft. This exposure to high-quality writing can also improve your writing skills and vocabulary.

6. Philosophical insight.

Life and Restlessness. The novel explores deep themes like the impermanence of life, the inevitability of change and the complexity of human relationships. Reflecting on these themes can provide you with valuable philosophical insights and a deeper understanding of the transitory nature of life.

7 Expanded perspective on human experience.

Universal theme. A novel's exploration of universal themes such as love, fate, family, and social decline can broaden your perspective on human experiences and challenges. This broader perspective can enrich your own life and decision-making process.

8 Appreciation for historical context.

Historical and social context. Understanding the historical and social context of the novel can provide a richer perspective on contemporary issues and how they have evolved.

9. Personal reflection and growth.

Related characters. Relating to the characters and their struggles can lead to personal reflection on your own life, relationships, and choices. This self-reflection can be a catalyst for personal growth and self-improvement.

By engaging in "Dreams of the Red Chamber," you can gain a deeper understanding of human nature, improve your literary skills, and enrich your cultural and philosophical perspective.

Written by -

Mh Rahman 

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